Bruce N. Ames 1992 Publications

293 Tartaglia, L. A., Gimeno, C. J., Storz, G. and Ames, B. N. (1992) Multidegenerate DNA Recognition by the oxyR Transcriptional Regulator. J. Biol. Chem. 267, 2038-2045. check for PDF

294 Ames, B. N. (1992) Keynote Address: Pollution, Pesticides, and Cancer. 105th International meeting of AOAC held in Phoenix, Arizona, August 12-15. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 75, 1-5. check for PDF

295 Cross, C. E., Motchnik, P. A., Bruener, B. A., Jones, D. A., Kau, H., Ames, B. N. and Halliwell, B. (1992) Oxidative Damage to Plasma Constituents by Ozone. FEBS 298, 269-272. check for PDF

296 Park, E.-M., Shigenaga, M. K., Degan, P., Korn, T. S., Kitzler, J. W., Wehr, C. M., Kolachana, P. and Ames, B. N. (1992) The Assay of Excised Oxidative DNA Lesions: Isolation of 8-oxoguanine and its Nucleoside Derivatives from Biological Fluids with a Monoclonal Antibody Column. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 3375-3379. check for PDF

297 Wagner, J. R., Hu, C-C. and Ames, B. N. (1992) Endogenous Oxidative Damage of Deoxycytidine in DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 3380-3384. check for PDF

298 Ames, B. N. and Gold, L. S. (1992) Animal Cancer Tests and the Prevention of Cancer. (Proceedings of the International Council for Coordinating Cancer Research Conference, Monographs #12), J. Natl. Cancer Inst., pp. 125-132. check for PDF

299 Ames, B. N. and Shigenaga, M. K. (1992) DNA Damage by Endogenous Oxidants and Mitogenesis as Causes of Aging and Cancer. In: Molecular Biology of Free Radical Scavenging Systems, J. Scandalios, ed. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY), pp. 1-22. check for PDF

300 Ames, B. N. and Gold, L. S. (1992) Too Many Rodent Carcinogens: Mitogenesis Increases Mutagenesis. In: Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns. Jay H. Lehr, ed. (Van Nostrand Reinhold Publishers, New York, NY), pp. 181-186. [Reprint of #257] check for PDF

301 Frei, B., Stocker, R. and Ames, B. N. (1992) Small Molecule Antioxidant Defenses in Human Extracellular Fluids. In: Molecular Biology of Free Radical Scavenging Systems, J. Scandalios, ed. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY), pp. 23-45. check for PDF

302 Ames, B. N. and Profet, M. (1992) Guest editorial: Nature's Pesticides. Natural Toxins 1, pp. 2-3. check for PDF

303 Kitzler, J. W., Farr, S. B. and Ames, B. N. (1992) Intracellular Functions of AlnA: Prokaryotes. In: Ap4A and Other Dinucleoside Polyphosphates, A. G. McLennan, ed. (CRC Press, Inc., London, England), pp. 135-149. check for PDF

304 Gold, L. S., Slone, T. H., Stern, B. R., Manley, N. B. and Ames, B. N. (1992) Rodent Carcinogens: Setting Priorities. Science 258, 261-265. check for PDF

305 Youngman, L. D., Park, J-Y. K. and Ames, B. N. (1992) Protein Oxidation Associated With Aging is Reduced by Dietary Restriction of Protein or Calories. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 9112-9116. check for PDF

306 Ames, B. N. (1992) Human Cancer: Are Pesticides Responsible. Proc. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 45, 15-20. [Reprint of #294] check for PDF

307 Ames, B. N. and Shigenaga, M. K. (1992) Oxidants are a Major Contributor to Aging. In: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. C. Franceschi, G. Crepaldi, V. J. Cristofalo, L. Masotti and J. Vijg, eds. (The New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY), Vol. 663, pp. 85-96. check for PDF

308 Ames, B. N. (1992) New Views in Risk Assessment: The Case of Natural and Man Made Carcinogens. In: Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, W. van Eimeren, K. Uberla and K. Ulm, eds. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany), pp. 24-31. check for PDF

309 Gold, L. S., Manley, N. B. and Ames, B. N. (1992) Extrapolation of Carcinogenicity Between Species: Qualitative and Quantitative Factors. Risk Anal. 12, 579-588. check for PDF

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